Group Benefits

Plan Pension

Talk to a broker 1 877 860-1412

Invest in Your Employees’ Future

We Go beyond a Simple Financial Formula
It’s a personalized creation, tailored to their individual needs, dreams and aspirations. We guide you through the process, offering sound advice and developing innovative strategies.

We’ll help you choose the retirement plan best suited to your needs and those of your employees, taking into account factors such as the size of your business, your financial objectives and your employees’ preferences.

We tailor a retirement plan for your company, taking into account your unique specifications. We ensure that the plan is optimal and meets your current and future needs.

We carefully examine the fees associated with retirement service providers to ensure that you benefit from the best possible conditions, while optimizing the profitability of your retirement plan.

We provide comprehensive education and clear communications to your employees about the benefits and features of their retirement plan, to help them make informed decisions about their financial future.

We carry out a comprehensive annual review of your pension plan to assess its performance, make adjustments if necessary, and keep you informed of the latest pension trends and regulations.

We ensure that your pension plan complies with all applicable regulations and legal requirements, guaranteeing security and peace of mind for you and your employees.

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